Dubai, just like any other city in the world, has its own code of conduct and unspoken rules. While new travelers might not be familiar with everything they should and shouldn't do in the United Arab Emirates, articles such as this help to paint a clear picture of what to expect upon arrival. Since Dubai is a Muslim country, there are some customs that might be foreign to tourists but should be respected once their plane lands. Additionally, there are just some common courtesies that should be done, but that travelers might not even be aware of.

In order to avoid making rookie mistakes when visiting this incredible city, here are all the do's and don'ts when it comes to visiting Dubai.

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What Travelers Shouldn't Be Doing


According to Dubai Travel Blog, travelers should treat a visit to Dubai as though it were a family-centric destination. By this, it's meant that Dubai has unspoken rules that would apply to any place that's family-friendly, from the dress code to the language used by tourists. In terms of clothing, travelers should anticipate dressing modestly the entire time during their visit. Showing too much skin, tattoos, and other body modifications are viewed as impolite and could make locals uncomfortable.

  • Tip: When visiting any mosque in Dubai, women should comply with wearing a headscarf as the locals do.

Common Gestures And Social Interactions

As tempting as it might be, tourists should be very careful when taking photos of people in public places. In Dubai, unsolicited pictures can mean jail time or serious fines for those who post photos on social media or online in other places. Even if it's unintentional, someone who's seen in a photograph may get the wrong impression or think that they were photographed intentionally. Outside of tourist places, travelers should avoid taking photos in the event that they offend those visiting or passing through in the area. Additionally, any photos taken during Mosque services or in a sacred place - unless otherwise specified - should be avoided.

  • Tip: When in doubt, ask for permission, first.

In terms of hand gestures, pointing and any other gestures that might be common in other countries, are seen as a sign of disrespect in Dubai. Visitors should avoid pointing with one finger altogether. When it comes to shaking hands, visitors should always wait for the other person to initiate the handshake if they are of the opposite sex - this is a sign of respect and a way to greet someone politely.

  • Tip: Be mindful of one's hands by keeping them down to the side.

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What Travelers Should Be Doing


The exception to this is when visiting beaches, waterparks, or pools - here, it's perfectly acceptable to wear swimwear that's appropriate within reason. In fact, tourists won't feel left out - with the hot temperatures throughout Dubai, it's perfectly common to see people cooling off poolside! Additionally, any clothing with offensive sayings or phrases that could be taken the wrong way shouldn't be worn in the city.

  • Tip: For anyone unsure, look at photos of Dubai on social media to determine what's commonly worn.

Common Gestures And Social Interactions

It's important to remember that in Dubai, Ramadan is extremely important and should be respected by visitors, as well. It's often seen as impolite or disrespectful to eat or drink in front of a Muslim who is fasting for the holiday, so visitors should be mindful of the calendar before visiting.

Visitors should also be aware of their social interactions with one another. Hugging or kissing in public is seen as inappropriate and is sure to make others uncomfortable. Additionally, travelers of the opposite sex usually don't share the same rooms unless they're married - however, this is dependent on the hotel and isn't necessarily an issue outside of staying in one's home (something to keep in mind for rentals). Affection is permitted between family members but couples should be conservative when they're out in public. When speaking with locals, it's also important to remember that pointing one's legs or feet at another person is seen as a sign of disrespect - so be wary of this, as well!

When eating, it's important to remember that one's right hand is the way in which food is typically eaten. Food is passed from the left to the right, for those who are left-handed, and eaten with the right. Food that's shared or passed to others should also be received with the right hand and not with the left.

Next: A Travel Guide To Dubai: 11 Things To Know While Planning Your Trip